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Tenets of Faith

Bible (66 books of the Old and New Testament) is God’s word in written form. God is the author and He revealed His word through His Holy Spirit to His servants. The Word is true, doesn’t contain any mistakes and is the highest standard and authority for a man.


God is the Only and Omnipotent. He revealed Himself in three persons: God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came into this world as a real human being, born from the virgin. He became like men in everything, except a sin. He was crucified, died, and was risen on the third day. He ascended to Heaven and was given all the authority in the Heaven and Earth. He will restore God’s reign again.


God’s kingdom Is one of the most important messages of the Bible. Jesus Christ is the king, who obtained the sovereign authority and the church is obligated to preach this message to everybody in these days. At the end of the times Jesus will come again - first to take His church from this world, second to establish his reign through the millennium. After this period of time all the enemies of God will be totally defeated and God’s eternal kingdom will be restored.


Man was created after God’s own image to live in the relationship with Him, to worship Him and to reign over the whole creation. First man - Adam - was seduced by the Satan to sin. Satan before the creation of the man rebelled against God. This way man was brought into the slavery and power of sin and death.


Man’s redemption was brought to us in Jesus’ death. A man can receive this redemption through the faith and this is the only way, how man can be saved and escape the eternal condemnation.


Salvation is given to a man through redemption of Jesus Christ - to be saved a man needs to receive God’s offer - Jesus’ sacrifice, needs to turn from his sin (to repent), to accept and confess Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior also before other men and to be baptized. The fulfilled Christian life also means to accept Holy Spirit (to be baptized in Holy Ghost).


Church is a body of all saved people. The church, whose head is Jesus Christ is led and cared for by God’s servants - ministers. Today is important that any deviations from God’s vision of the church’s government would be set right. Every saved man is connected to the only Christ’s church and is also essential for him to join and be committed to the local church.


Resurrection is an undoubtedly sure future event. Everyone will be resurrected - the righteous ones for the eternal life in God’s kingdom and the unrighteous ones for the judgment and eternal damnation.


God’s judgment over the people is a sure event as well and there is no avoidance to it. God will judge everybody, but there will be a different judgment for the ones who accepted God’s mercy and forgiveness in Jesus Christ and the ones who rejected it.

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